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Arrebentação - zona de derrama last chapter

Catol Teixera - Association UÁ
Mise en scène/chorégraphie: Catol Teixeira
Durée: 60 minutes
Âge recommandé: 16 ans

Lieu et année de création: Pavillon ADC - Association Danse Contemporaine, Genève – 2024

With a joyful and unpredictable vitality, Arrebentação experiments with the possibility of an open and free, composite and hybrid communality. Catol Teixeira extends the dialogue between circus, classical and contemporary dance, the festivities and celebrations of their early choreographies, by inviting the performers, their experiences and their dreams to mingle, however multiple, contradictory or parallel they may be. Arrebentação refers to the moment when swell waves become breakers, the abrupt passage from one to the other, the instant suspended between these two states – or the impetuous dance of hybridisation, in a leaderless space-time. In Brazilian Portuguese, “arrebentação” refers to the area of the ocean where waves break: the precise place when they transform and begin to crash. When one is swimming, learning where the “arrebentação” takes place is crucial. Itʼs a question of crossing the danger zone, diving underneath and not risking being caught by the sea. By crossing it, you arrive safely on the other side of the zone. In pragmatic usage, “arrebentação” also means a kind of explosion. For example, when the container of a material breaks, the material comes into contact with a new “zone” and this creates a change in the state of the material, a transmutation of itself and of the new zone. These two images form the poetic and pictorial guide to the final chapter of the zona de derrama project.

Coproduction: Création dans le cadre du programme (AC)COMPAGNONS du Pavillon ADC soutenu par la Fondation Leenaards EFFEA -Santarcangelo Festival Points Communs - Nouvelle Scène Nationale - Cergy-Pontoise This project is part of RESO – Dance Network Switzerland Coproduction Found

Grand plateau

Catol Teixera - Association UÁ
c/o Simone Frey
Rue Dentand 4
1202 Geneve


Langues (versions disponibles du spectacle): Sans paroles

Mise en scène
Catol Teixeira

Catol Teixeira

Catol Teixeira

Catol Teixera - Association UÁ

Création dans le cadre du programme (AC)COMPAGNONS du Pavillon ADC soutenu par la Fondation Leenaards EFFEA -Santarcangelo Festival Points Communs - Nouvelle Scène Nationale - Cergy-Pontoise This project is part of RESO – Dance Network Switzerland Coproduction Found

Avec le soutien de
Residency support: Point Éphémère (DRAC France), Festival actoral, CCN Ballet national de Marseille With support from : Pro Helvetia, Loterie Romande, Fondation Hans Wilsdorf, Ernst Göhner Stiftung Thanks to: Alessandra Domingues, Maria Cristina Teixeira, Lea Genoud, Madeleine Amsler, Barbara Giongo, Chloe Demetriades, Simone Frey, Marcela Santander

Pavillon ADC - Association Danse Contemporaine, Genève
Le 26 novembre 2024

Concept, Choreography & Performance
Catol Teixeira
Created with & performed by
Auguste de Boursetty, Collin Cabanis, Acauā Shereya, Laura Raio
Sound creation
Chaos Clay
Light creation
Lui L’Abbate
Rive Vayrou
Yumi Ikeda Ferretti
Yann Slattery
Body extensions
Nagi Gianni
External eye
Jonas Van
Production assistant
Dylan Huido
Production & Administration
Rabea Grand
Tour management
Jerome Pique

Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne, Lausanne
11 au 14 décembre 2024

Pavillon ADC - Association Danse Contemporaine, Genève
26 au 30 novembre 2024

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