Cie Ioannis Mandafounis
Mise en scène/chorégraphie: IOANNIS MANDAFOUNIS
Durée: 45 minutes

Lieu et année de création: Le Colombier, Bagnolet – 2020

Ioannis Mandafounisʼ aim is to create on the spot a performance based upon the spectatorsʼ ideas that will be thrown at him at the time of the performance. To collect, process and render the audienceʼs suggestions in the form of a dance, improvised instantaneously in front of their eyes, is what constitutes the danger of this performance, hence its title. There is no safety net for the performer who must accept and interpret all the ideas and questions that are given to him in any way he wants - whether literally or in a more abstract way - but always in the moment, without any rehearsal. A challenge that Ioannis sets up for himself, but that does not spare the audience, as they are invited to actively take part in the show. This interaction between the performer and the spectators is something Ioannis seeks more and more in his work. By involving the audience in the creative process, he offers them a new perspective on the choreographic art, from the inside, which aims to help them understand some of the rules and tools of the composition of a choreographic piece. Besides, thanks to its playful nature, «Keep Out» addresses a wide audience, thus broadening the scope of contemporary dance.

Cie Ioannis Mandafounis
Rue de la Navigation 13
1201 Genève

Mélanie Fréguin, Diffusion

Langues (versions disponibles du spectacle)



Cie Ioannis Mandafounis

Le Colombier, Bagnolet
Le 26 septembre 2020

Ioannis Mandafounis

Aucune représentation

Bains des Pâquis, Genève
15 juin 2022

Sursock Museum, Beirut, Liban
29 mai 2022

Dansarte, Patras, Grèce
7 au 8 mai 2022

Cultural Center Amaliada, Amaliada, Grèce
1 mai 2022

Musée Ariana, Genève
28 octobre 2021

Racconti di Altre Danze, Livorno, Italie
23 octobre 2021

Le Colombier, Bagnolet, France
26 septembre 2020

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