Townhouse - Rawabet

Rawabet is a unique Egyptian initiative that began in 2006, serving as a platform for the independent performing art scene in Cairo and the country as a whole. It was founded by a group of independent artists who recognised the urgent need for an artistic venue for independent groups and for an audience base interested in alternative contemporary performing arts, including theatre, music and film. Its name ‘Rawabet’, Arabic for ‘links’, expresses its overriding objective; to offer a space that creates constant connections among artists and between artists and audiences. The lack of independent, non-profit performance and rehearsal spaces has long been a problem for performers in Egypt, where the vast majority of facilities are either state-run or commercial in nature. This major deficiency within the performing arts scene has left artists in dire need for approachable and inexpensive rehearsal and performance space, not to mention access to equipment and technical resources.

Contact administratif

Townhouse - Rawabet
Hussein Al Memar street 5
Marouf, Qasr an Nile
Le Caire


Informations techniques


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Histoires Condansées

14 septembre 2017
12 septembre 2017